Reminder of Chart Closure Policy (General Order 5.20.05)
We know some shifts get busy and crews can get behind on charts despite their best efforts. However, there have been several instances of charts including critical disposition being left open for extended periods without approval. As a reminder it is required that the following chart criteria and types are completed by the end of shift: Prehospital activation (CVA, STEMI, Trauma), cardiac or respiratory arrest, controlled substance administrations, RSI requests, all critical care bay dispositions and / or anticipated ICU admissions, medical examiner cases and child protective cases or per the direction of the on-duty officer or clinical care team. Outside of these criteria if you find yourself at the end of shift and wish to complete your chart during your next shift it is the expectation that approval is received by the on-duty officer. For charts that have received Ops approval, at minimum they are required to contain page 1, patient page demographics and any applicable HIPAA document attachments