Priority 1 Calls

I’ve seen a bit of “drift” occurring that I would like to see adjusted. On arrival at a priority one call the paramedic needs to

exit the vehicle, take the primary response bag and go to the patient. The driver should get the monitor and ALS bag and

if the FD is already there bring the gurney, as the apparatus driver is supposed to be awaiting the arrival of the

ambulance. If the ambulance arrives first, the driver simply brings the monitor and ALS bag to the patient. This process

can be adjusted when responding to high-rise locations where it makes more sense to put all the equipment on the gurney

and go to the patient together. Things that should not be happening are things like backing the rig into the driveway while

the paramedic sits in the passenger seat. Unless there was an update, we are responding red to the call, so on arrival,

park the rig, get out, and walk swiftly to the patient.